Getting Involved: Advocating for Milford Schools

Understanding the Ohio Fair School Funding Formula & the Voucher Issue

At Milford Exempted Village School District, we are committed to providing the best possible education for all students. However, state funding policies play a significant role in our ability to do so.

The Ohio Fair School Funding Plan was introduced to ensure a more equitable distribution of school funding, but it remains only partially funded and places too much financial burden on local taxpayers. Many districts, including Milford, struggle to keep up with rising costs when levies fail or funding does not increase to meet student needs.

Additionally, the expansion of private school vouchers continues to divert crucial public dollars away from public schools. As more state funding is allocated to private school tuition, public school districts—including MEVSD—receive fewer resources to support our students, teachers, and programs.

How You Can Help Advocate for MEVSD

We know that many families want to support advocating for our district but may not be sure where to start.

MEVSD has engaged in productive conversations with State Legislators and Representatives, where they valued our opinions and were very respectful. However, they made it clear that the community needs to be active participants in shaping the future of school funding.

Your voice matters in this process. State leaders need to hear directly from parents and community members about how these funding issues impact our schools.

Letter-Writing & Email Guide

To help our community take action, we have created a general template that MEVSD community members can use to write to state officials.

We strongly encourage you to personalize your message. While this template is a great starting point, officials have advised us that personal stories and unique perspectives have the greatest impact.

Both email and physical letters make a difference. Many government officials still appreciate receiving physical letters from their constituents.

Representative Jean Schmidt

Senator Louis (Bill) W. Blessing, III

Representative Adam Bird