English Learners

English Learner Staff

Kim Knight, EL Teacher, English Learner Teacher

Email Kim Knight


  • Boyd E Smith

  • Seipelt

  • Meadowview

  • Mulberry

  • Pattison

Mayita Sullivan, English Learner Teacher

Email Mayita Sullivan


  • McCormick Elementary

  • Milford Jr High

  • Milford HS

Paul Daniels, Chief Academic Officer

Email Paul Daniels


Languages Represented in Milford's EL Program

  • Akan

  • Arabic

  • Chinese

  • French

  • German

  • Greek

  • Gujarati

  • Hebrew

  • Hindi

  • Khmer

  • Lithuanian

  • Punjabi

  • Russian

  • Spanish

  • Shona

  • Ukrainian

  • Urdu

  • Vietnamese

  • Visayan

The State of Ohio requires public schools to identify and serve students who are English Learners (EL) and to provide instruction that is designed to help them learn English as well as academic content.   Milford Schools complies with this requirement and strives to meet identified English Learners language and academic needs through an individualized English Language Plan (ELP).  

Identification and Services

  • Potential English learners, whose first or home language is other than English, are identified at enrollment with the Home Language Usage Survey (HLUS).  

  • Students will be screened for English language proficiency using the State Screener OELPS to determine English Language Proficiency level. 

  • Students identified as EL will have an English Language Plan (ELP) written by a TESOL certified teacher that is aligned to ELPA standards.

  • EL students will be served by their classroom teachers and EL teachers through differentiated instruction as indicated on their ELP.

  • OELPA is administered annually to EL students to monitor their growth in English language proficiency.

More information from the State of Ohio regarding EL students can be found here.