3 girls in front of bulletin board

As we finish out Teacher Appreciation Week, we are spotlighting three MHS Teaching Professions Academy (TPA) students who will be participating in this summer’s “Educators Rising” national competition in Washington, D.C. The purpose of this competition is to help inspire the next generation of educators at a time when fewer young people are choosing to go into the teaching profession.

Clara Morlock is a graduating MHS senior who will be participating in nationals for the third time. This year, she presented a lesson plan on Career Tech Education (CTE) focused on fine and gross motor skills at the elementary level, emphasizing the relevance of these skills in early education. Clara attributes her success and motivation to her teachers and mentors, including her McCormick teachers Pam Loeffler and Melissa Clayton, and TPA teacher, Jen Norsworthy. Clara will attend Bowling Green University, majoring in Early Childhood Education. 

Macy Neral and Olivia Cartmell are MHS seniors attending nationals for the first time. Macy's project is a lecture aiming to raise teacher salaries, delivered “TED Talk style” that resonated with the judges due to its emotional depth and professional presentation. Olivia shared her journey to realizing her calling as an educator through an "Ed Moment Rising Speech," highlighting when she knew she wanted to be a teacher. The judges shared that her presentation stood out because of how clearly she shared that her pull toward teaching feels like a calling rather than a single moment. Macy will be attending Miami University and majoring in Elementary Education and Olivia will be attending Grove City College, majoring in Secondary Education.

What Clara, Macy and Olivia want you to know about the TPA program:

Clara: “You don’t have to physically go to Great Oaks and leave your friends to take this program - you stay right here at Milford. It’s a program for everyone. We even have people who aren’t going to be teachers - including going into social work and marketing.”

Macy: “I took the class not necessarily wanting to be a teacher. Mrs. Norsworthy saw something in me that I didn’t even see in myself. This class gave me such a community of like-minded people that I knew that this is what I wanted to do. Give TPA a shot and enjoy every second of it.”

Olivia: “Mrs. Norsworthy has helped me in more ways than I could articulate. She is an amazing role model. This class is an opportunity to make the best friends I could ever make. No matter what you do, everyone in this class is there to support you. It’s one big family and I couldn’t appreciate it more.”