Staff members preswenting to man in graduation gown

Vietnam Veteran Woodrow "Woody" McQuitty would have graduated with the class of 1964. Before he could walk across the stage, McQuitty left school to serve in the U.S. Navy, a decision that delayed his graduation. Sixty years later, his commitment and sacrifice were recognized and honored in a ceremony at Milford High School, witnessed by McQuitty’s family, Milford schools staff, and student JROTC members.

Principal Tyler Arnold presented McQuitty with his diploma, taking the opportunity to express gratitude for his service to our country, ending proudly with, “Congratulations, sir. Here is your diploma.” 

Prior to receiving the diploma, Superintendent John Spieser presented McQuitty with the Eagle Wing pin. This pin is specially designed and given to Milford High School students who have chosen to protect America’s freedom by enlisting to serve in a branch of the United States military. 

In the spirit of deep and lasting connection between service members, when given the opportunity to speak about his long overdue recognition, Mr. McQuitty instead chose to honor fellow classmate, Captain John Speidel. Louis John Speidel graduated from Milford High School and entered West Point. Speidel was killed in action while piloting a helicopter in Tay Ninh, Vietnam in 1971. 

Milford Schools extends its congratulations to Mr. McQuitty and is committed to recognizing all community members who have served our country with courage and distinction. 

Highlights of the ceremony, including McQuitty’s heartfelt words for Capt. Speidel, can be found here.