About PTO

Boyd E. Smith PTO is excited to serve our children, school and community.  Our objectives are:

  • to promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school and community.

  • to raise standards of home life.

  • to bring into closer relation the home and the school, so that parents and teacher may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth.

  • to develop between educators and the general public a united effort as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social and spiritual education.

These objectives are promoted through educational programs directed toward parents, teachers and the general public and developed through conferences, committees, projects, programs, and events.

Get Involved!

  • At the beginning of the school year, complete your Membership/Buzz Book Directory Form. If you’d like to join mid-way through the school year, contact us at Email Boyd E. Smith PTO.

  • Like Boyd E. Smith Elementary PTO on Facebook to stay up to date and see photos of events happening at school.

  • Complete your VIP (Very Important Parent) form at the start of the year to help out with your favorite committees and programs. Want to help mid-way through the year? Not a problem, just contact us at Email Boyd E. Smith PTO

  • Check the website often for the latest news.

  • Watch for the PTO news in the BESt of Times Newsletter.

  • Kroger Community Rewards - Go to Kroger and register your Kroger Rewards card. It costs nothing, all you have to do is shop at Kroger, swipe your Plus Card and BES earns money! You must re-enroll each year to continue earning awards for BES, so be sure to update your Plus Card today. Organization name: Boyd E. Smith Elementary PTO; Organization Number: 82249

  • Amazon Rewards - Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. Same products, same prices, same service.  Simply login to your Amazon account or create one.  Under the search bar, click on the “Supporting” link. Search for and select Boyd E. Smith. Every time you shop, BES earns!

  • Box Tops for Education - If you buy a product with the digital Box Tops logo and scan your receipt using the Box Tops for Education app, each participating product is worth $0.10 for our school. If you do not already have a Box Tops for Education account, create one via the Box Tops app or website. Then your Box Top purchases can be credited electronically to your account by either A) using the app on your smart device to scan your paper receipt (from any retailer, from grocery store to gas station) or B) emailing electronic receipts from participating stores to Box Tops using the same e-mail associated with your account.

  • Attend monthly PTO meetings!