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Milford One of Only Four Districts to Win Local Food Take Over Grant

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Milford One of Only Four Districts to Win Local Food Take Over Grant

Oct 7, 2022
Students and Principal Willson at McCormick Enjoy the Local Menu Takeover!
Students and Principal Willson at McCormick Enjoy the Local Menu Takeover!

Late last school year, Milford Schools Director of Nutrition Services, Tina Reynolds, applied for a grant through Green Umbrella's Feed Our Future program that would allow Milford Schools to participate in Local Menu Takeovers during the 2022-2023 school year. Milford was one of only four local districts, and one of only three in Ohio, to be awarded the grant.

This week, we were able to see the positive impact this had on our students! Milford Elementary students were treated to a special Cinnamon Breakfast Bistro Box and a treat in their lunch, either a pear crumble or a snickerdoodle. All of the produce was locally sourced. This was the first of many opportunities to participate in the Local Menu Takeover, and we're excited for the program to continue to grow. Importantly, it allows Milford Schools to support local farmers and businesses at the same time we feed our students healthy, delicious meals.

Just look at all those smiles! The kids loved the variety and fall flavors!

To read an article about the program launch this week, click here.

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