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District Calendar

The following calendar can be sorted by school building and district-wide events. The calendar automatically displays as a list. Click the MONTH button (on the far right side toward the top) to see the entire month. 

For Milford's athletics calendar, visit Milford Athletics' website.

Milford Schools Calendar Highlights; First Day of School staggered start Aug 14 or Aug 15, Last day of school May 22, Graduation May 18

2024-2025 Academic Calendar

2024-2025 Calendar Highlights

2024-2025 Testing Calendar

Note that we are sharing two possible calendar options for the 2025-2026 school year. Once construction is underway, we will have a better idea of which calendar is most likely. However, we want to create awareness well in advance of the year, that construction may impact the beginning of the school year. (as of February 2023)

2025-2026 academic calendar - traditional option

2025-2026 academic calendar - construction contingency option

K-12 Staggered Start Schedule

2024-2025 Staggered Start

K-12 students will have a staggered start for the 2024-2025 school year, except for students at The Academy. In order to provide an environment conducive to learning new teachers and routines, roughly half of students will attend by themselves on August 14. The other half will attend on August 15. All students will be in school together on August 16.

All Preschool and Academy students start on August 14, 2024.


2024 K-12 Open House Dates

2024-2025 Open House Dates

Save the dates for 2024-2025 Open Houses! Preschool parents will be contacted regarding Open House times over the summer. 

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